Living in this world is largely dependent on the many things you know. Many people know this and try to acquire enough informations as regards life and living. While on the other hand, there are those who feel reluctant about getting knowledge as they think it is not necessary.
But in getting knowledge, one must be adequately guided because I have found out that knowledge base on area A is in a large way interconnected with knowledge on area B. That is why many of us (I found myself there too once) seem to be confuse about what we are actually trying to achieve when we open up archives and start delving into many things. It is like getting to a well fenced house. We get to the gate. We knock at the gate. It opens wide to a large house with different doors and then we are confused as to which leads to the right thing sought for. So is quest for knowledge.
As I grow in life, I found out two ways by which knowledge couldd be attained. Without much ado I highlight them as
>Know God and Recognise Him as He from whom all Knowledge proceeds from.
There is no product without a producer. Therefore I have come to realise that every knowledge comes from above . . .from whom we have to do. . .! From above, I meant from God. When you realise this that only from him proceeds knowledge which you seek for.
Whatever knowledge you seek for, it will help direct your paths to discovering knowledge accordingly. Instead of bouncing on every item you see. For whatsoever purpose you seek for it. Maybe in your marriage, you need knowledge and understanding to handle issues. It comes from God. Maybe in your academics and career, it seems that the chosen course is not achieveable, then you need knowledge wisdom and It comes from God. You are trying acquire a new skill, knowledge is muchly needed and you know It comes from God. Consider the God factor in every thing you do and you will find success. Accept the fact that without him 'I-am-nothing'.
>Develop attitude to appreciate Knowledge as Investment.
Many people are too passive when it comes to issues bothering on investment. But you don't live tommorrow without today's investment. Not possible. Knowledge one gains today stays with you and in you. Don't start escavating files to get knowledge with the mindset of 'Just-because-of-him/her'. You will definitely miss out.
Bury yourself in God to get knowledge that will be rewarding and enriching tommorrow. Let today be a gateway to a glorious future of bliss, happiness, satisfactiong and fulfilment.
When you have addressed your mind on this two factors I've mentioned, you are definitely on course.
Then seek for means and focus on doing the right thing!
Happy soaring!
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