Thursday, 8 September 2016


Saw this article by Femi Fani Kayode and decided to share. It is a long essay and has been divided into two parts. This is the first part of it.
All views are his, though I share largely with it.

This essay will not be released to or
published in the mainstream Nigerian media
because it will be considered as being "too
hot". Yet its message is far too important for
it not to be written or for it to be ignored.
I would urge those that have thin skins, that
are easily exciteable, that have an aversion
to truth or that are unduly sensitive to
criticism and the ugly realities that we are
faced with in Nigeria today to stop reading
now and drop the essay because they will not
be able to cope with its contents.
I am a historian and my intention for writing
it is simply to enlighten, educate and inform
rather than to create rancour, tension, strife,
division or stress. I do not seek to incite
anyone and neither do I believe in or
advocate violence in any shape or form.
I have also proferred a solution to what I
consider to be the problem that some of our
northern compatriots pose at the end of the
It is a long contribution so I have broken it
into two parts. Each part is well worth
reading and it is my prayer that you stay with
me till the end. Here we go.
A few weeks ago one Mr. Adamu Mohammed
wrote an essay on Facebook titled 'Your Land
Or Your Blood'.
The write-up was widely-published in Nigeria
and it was well circulated in the social media.
It has indeed been the subject of much
interest and a heated debate.
Permit me to share its contents here. He
wrote as follows and kindly overlook the bad
grammer and colorful language:
"Ever since President Muhammadu Buhari
took over the mantle of leadership of this
great country Nigeria, we (Hausa-Fulanis)
have come under severe media attack from
enemies of progress.
Just because they are educated than us, they
stereotype us with negativity. Just because
they own and control the media, they use
the media against us.
But let me make something clear to you
stupid fellows hating us, whether you love us
or hate us, it doesn't change anything.
We are who we are and we will continue to
remain like that. We hate you even more
and we can never love you because you are
all infidels.
I pity those of you who keep deluding
yourselves that we can love and trust you
simply because you worked against your
people to our own advantage, never!
I heard that the stupid Governor of Oyo
State, Ajimobi said that they won't accept the
proposed Grazing Bill.
But my message to the filthy Yoruba pig is
that, if you don't want to give us your cursed
land, we will rear our cattle not only on your
farmlands but in your churches.
And if you try to stop us, we would killed
your chicken hearted men like rabbits then
turn your mothers, wives, sisters and
daughters to our sex slaves like we have
always done.
It is either you give the whole of South to us
to use as grazing reserve or we soak it with
your blood.
And what you would do like you always do is
noise on Facebook and Twitter. You cannot
be united against us because there would
always be the likes of Tinubu, Amaechi and
Okorocha in your midst who will divide you
for selfishness and love of money.
Such treacherous characters can't survive in
our midst because we burn them and their
I so much detest Southern Christians because
they are the problem of this country. If I
have my way, there won't be any functional
church in this country, especially in the
That's why I am so much happy with
Governor El-rufai who is living up to the
expectations of Allah in Kaduna State.
We are not really pleased with President
Muhammadu Buhari who is too slow to
implement everything we asked him to
implement in this country for us, he has not
even done 20% of the Northern/Islam
agenda, what he is waiting for I don't know.
We will make life unbearable for Igbos like
they are in Hell, and yet we won't let them
have their useless Biafra because the whole
of South is a conquered territory.
We can never see Yorubas as allies no matter
how hard they try to please or serve us
because they are born traitors and infidels.
Those slaves in the Middle Belt would
continue to be willing tools in our hands, and
the day they attempt to raise their heads, we
will cut off their heads like weeds.
I lack words to tell the inconsequential and
always crying Niger Delta because what we
are waiting for is for President Buhari to
declare state of emergency in Rivers, Bayelsa
and Delta, then we will show them how to
use power.
We are at war with you people but we won't
allow the country to breakup because, natural
resources found in any part of the country is
our heritage and birth right.
We will continue killing you in large numbers
until you are truly submissive to us as your
slave masters. We won't stop killing you until
we fully takeover your land as a conquered
This is not the time to mince words, this is
not the time to sugarcoat things, and this is
not the time to be economical with the
truth, this is nothing but the truth, ignore it
at your own peril"- ADAMU MOHAMMED.
As repugnant as they are and as despicable as
he is we must thank Mr. Mohammed for his
honesty and for speaking his mind. His views
and intent are self-evident and need no
further analysis or explanation.
The point that needs to be grasped and fully
appreciated though is that his is not the view
of a minority or some inconsequential lunatic
fringe in the core north.
His words represent the thinking of many in
the north even though most of them would
rather hide it or mask it rather than voice it
Mrs. Mary Ekeh captured the situation very
well when she offered the following counsel
about the Grazing Reserve Bill after she read
Mohammed's essay. She wrote:
"Please continue to pass this leaked
information until every Yoruba, Igbo, all
tribes and all Christian parts of Nigeria gets
This was planned many years by Fulanis as a
strategic way to Islamization of Nigeria.
That was why Buhari continued running for
presidency even at his old age because they
knew he is the most possible mean to
achieve their goal.
In 1804 - 1808. Fulanis came in from Guinea
to the Northern part of Nigeria, led by
Usman Dan fodio .He lead in jihad against
the Hausa kingdoms of the northern Nigeria.
The forces of Usman dan Fodio slowly took
over more and more of the Hausa kingdoms
through war. By 1810, Fulanis had already
conquered all hausas.
They formed boko haram sect solely for the
process, waiting for Buhari or any of their
Fulani brother to come in power but
Unfortunately, Goodluck Jonathan came into
power and they became annoyed.
They started their violence to distract him
and whether it was Yoruba or Igbo that was
on the seat during President Goodluck
Jonathan's regime.
The same thing could've still happened about
Boko haram. Now their dream has been
achieved having their brother on top.
Here is their plan. They started herdsmen
war believing that they have the chance to
control all parts of the country since they are
in power and forces.
If Grazing Reserve Bill is passed and
achieved, it means that Fulanis will have a
place mapped out for them in all 36 states
of Nigeria.
The next thing is that they will start bringing
in their wives and children and take over
your land"- MARY EKEH.
Mrs. Ekeh's analysis is superlative and her
admonitions are timely and appropiate.
Permit me to share another contribution
from yet another northern voice who has
employed the same colorful language as Mr.
Adamu Mohammed and who suffers from the
same hateful disposition.
His name is Mr. Aliyu Gwarzo and in 2014 he
wrote an essay titled "It Is Either The Koran
Or The Sword". Like Mr. Mohammed's which
came two years later, his piece was also
widely circulated and it also generated a
heated debate. He wrote as follows:
”When I say that the Presidency must come
to the north next year I am referring to the
Hausa-Fulani core north and not any northern
christian or muslim minority tribe.
The Christians in the north such as the
Berom, the Tiv, the Kataf, the Jaba, the
Zuru, the Sayyawa, the Bachama, the Jukun,
the Idoma and all the others are nothing and
the muslim minorities in the north, including
the Kanuri, the Nupe, the Igbira, the Babur,
the Shuwa Arabs, the Marghur and all the
others know that when we are talking about
leadership in the north and in Nigeria, Allah
has given it to us, the Hausa-Fulani.
They can grumble, moan and groan as much
as they want but each time they go into their
bedrooms to meet their wives and each time
they get on their prayer mats to begin their
prayers, it is we the Fulani that they think of,
that they fear, that they bow to and that they
pray for.
Some of them are even ready to give us
their wives and daughters for one nights
sport and pleasure. They owe us everything.
This is because we gave them Islam through
the great Jihad waged by Sheik Usman Dan
We also captured Ilorin, killed their local King
and installed our Fulani Emir. We took that
ancient town away from the barbarian yoruba
and their filthy pagan gods. We liberated all
these places and all these people by imposing
islam on them by force.
It was either the Koran or the sword and
most of them chose the Koran. In return for
the good works of our forefathers Allah,
through the British, gave us Nigeria to rule
and to do with as we please. Since 1960 we
have been doing that and we intend to
No Goodluck or anyone else will stop us from
taking back our power next year. We will kill,
maim, destroy and turn this country into
Africa’s biggest war zone and refugee camp if
they try it.
Many say we are behind Boko Haram. My
answer is what do you expect? We do not
have economic power or intellectual power.
All we have is political power and they want
to take even that from us.
We must fight and we will fight back in order
to keep it. They have brought in the infidels
from America and the pigs from Israel to
help them but they will fail. The war has just
begun, the Mujahadeen are more than ready
and by Allah we shall win.
If they don’t want an ISIS in Nigeria then
they must give us back the Presidency and
our political power. Their soldiers are killing
our warriors and our people every day but
mark this: even if it takes one hundred years
we will have our revenge.
Every Fulani man that they kill is a debt that
will be repaid even if it takes 100 years. The
Fulani have very long memories”- ALIYU
Mr. Aliyu Gwarzo, like Mr. Adamu
Mohammed that came after him, has
expressed a point of view which, though
utterly reprehensible and barbaric, reflects
the thinking of many in the core Muslim
These sentiments are regrettable and
unacceptable yet no matter how much we
complain about such views or pretend that
they are not representative of the thinking of
the majority in the core Muslim north, we
must learn to live with them or deal with
We must also adopt all necessary measures
to enlighten our people about the dangers
and challenges that such sentiments present
and we must be ready to do all that is in our
power to defend and protect them.
That is what leaders are meant to do. Indeed
that is the challenge and burden that every
southern and Middle Belt leader in our nation
is faced with and carries today.

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