Many people cry and lament often times because their private information have been compromised. It ranges from having your bank and card details stolen or your online account(s) access is compromised whereby someone is having a unauthorised access to your accounts.
But people have stayed all their lives on the internet or online but their devices and accounts have never been tempered with. This is not because they are invisible to hackers and cyber attacks. Why they have remained untouched and their accounts not compromised, forms the basis for my discussion.
The two important reasons I see why your account will be hacked will be firstly because you lack self control. Lack of self control comes in when you cannot forgo pop up on any site you visit. Someone can actually hack and hijack your account if he sends unsuspecting pop-ups and you go ahead to follow the links. When you directly clicks on some of these links, you are unknowingly giving them access to your web activities including your browser cookies, cache and saved login details you might have saved. Some are bugs that kind of overlays your keyboard and is waiting for anytime you are going to be inputting login details into any site, by that you are also automatically telling them your passwords and other details
Sometimes, it will do you a lot of good to forgo some pop ups and concentrate on what you are on the site to do. Not all images of fine girls that pop up are actually beautiful ladies, or handsome men, they are traps that you should not fall for. Stop click dancing on every site you visit.
The second reason is that you are creating passwords that are weak and often times can be guessed by anyone. Example of such is using your phone number as passwords. Someone can easily start trying to gain access to your page by inputting your phone number and then as well trying other means. Some other times, it is using weak combination passwords. Many people say they like to use login combinations they can always remember. Some of them go as far as using numbers like 0000 and 1111. For god sake, these number can easily be guessed.
Combine passwords beautifully like your life depends on it. Get a proper documentation of these and keep them safe. Don't be in a hurry to create a weak password. Use the alpha-numeric symbols to put a little difficulty on your passwords. That is why they are called passwords, they should grant only you access.
Avoid clicking on every pop ups you get on any site you visit and avoid over crowded sites with poor navigation as most of them of deliberately designed to ensure you unintentionally click on whatever that is going on there.
Be safe, Be smart!
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