All hail Alphasoars . . .
Happy New Year everyone!! I am so excited we finally made it into the New Year. 2017 was a graciously year too but it can't be brighter than a future that we have assurance from God that it will be greater.
Welcome once again to 2018. We are praying for long life, health and wealth with all the goodies of life that we couldn't get last year. All the plans that never came through; all the aspirations that never had a 100% fulfillment; all unborn pregnant ideas and inspiration that never manifested, this is the year to bring all to pass.
From the Bible in Psalms 23, the psalmist was praying and assuring himself of a gracious journey ahead, no matter what happens, he will always be resting under the able care of the strongest and mightiest of shepherds - The Lord of Host.
In assuring himself, there is something he made mention of in verse 4. He mentions two important things which are Rod and Staff.
He realized that as he moves on in the line of grace and God'swill, he will need to be guided and corrected.
To a shepherd that has many sheep, he wouldn't expect total compliance to all directives and leading but in his hands lays the material with which this could be accomplished.
He uses the rod to correct the sheep. He hits the rod at its back to bring it back from going astray. The staff which has a curved end is then used to draw it closer to him. And all this he does just because of love.
In a new year as this, frivolity is not far away, lust and ingenuity will always draw attention of many but God in his infinite mercies, love and grace will always want to draw us back to itself.
He will ROD you at your back.
He will want to ROD out every unwanted and unpleasing lifestyles.
He will always ROD out ill lucks and ill health from you, if you allow him.
But won't leave you without drawing you closer with his STAFF.
He will STAFF you and sustain you.
He will STAFF you so when you are closer, he can sustain you.
Succor and serenity are guaranteed when He STAFF's you.
For all of us here at Alphasoars Blog, we accept His Rod on our backs because we know he will also lead us with his Staff.
Happy New year to you once again.
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