Monday 22 December 2014

Alphasoars Checkpoint: Sooner or Later? Till Then?

As one gets out of the teenage years going into the twenties, he/she tends to focus mainly on two things, making money and making a family.
So here we are! Today on our Checkpoint section, completing our series I will be talking about marriage, finding your SO. You are wondering at the post heading. Let me explain ( I think I owe that for proper understanding). By sooner or later, I mean does it keep bubbling in your heart each time you sleep or rise up. Do you think of getting into it Now or Later, maybe six, eight or ten years ahead. The follow up, Till Then? am asking you, does it not bother you at the moment, maybe because of your commitments somewhere or because you are not up to the age. So, you will want to fix yourself in one of the categories and let’s soar together. I think this post is getting singlelish in nature (emphasis on the singlelish) but in any case all the Alphasoars in the house that have married have one thing or the other to contribute to the discussion. Your advice or suggestion using the comment box will helps those that are still single.
Now let’s soar . . .

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Commenting on your Favourite posts on your Favourite blogs

This post is coming out of my own little indoor research. I get to understand that commenting on blogs that you read using google profile could be annoying at times.

This happens when you finish typing your epistle to publish on the comment section, the whole epistle gets swallowed up and you feel, 'i don't have the strength to type again', and you are like, 'i love ya post' just because you can't consider yourself typing the whole epistle again.

Monday 8 December 2014

Alphasoars Checkpoint: 'Mickey would like it even better . . .'

On today's post I will be talking about friendship. Mickey would like it even better . . .' is an except of a story that is told about a group of friends who were dear to each that when one of them died, they were aware of what what he would have loved if he was still alive. Let's read the story below. The story is told by Henry Penn, a florist.
One day two boys and a girl of about ten years of age approached his (Henry Penn) store. They wore ragged clothes, but had clean hands and faces. The boys took off their cap when they entered the shop. One of them came forward and solemnly said, "we're the committee and we'd like some very nice yellow flowers". Penn showed them some inexpensive spring flowers, but the boy said, "i think we'd like somthing better than that". "Do they have to be yellow", Penn asked. "yes Sir" was the reply, "Mickey would like it even better if they were yellow because he had a yellow sweater". "Are these for a funeral?" the florist asked quietly. The boy nodded. The girl then turned to keep back the tears. "She's his sister", the boy explained, "He was a good kid - a truck - yesterday - he was playing in the street, we saw it happen".

Friday 5 December 2014

Impeccable timing Your Majesty!!!

Today's post is my own little way of saying Happy New (I hope late entry would be accepted) Month, Merry Christmas and New Year in advance. I know i have not made a post like this since the inception of this blog.
The statement on the post header was made by zazzu after he was swallowed by scar and the king appears been the brother to scar and the statement made by the king was "Scar, drop him!". And the one swallowed, zazzu made that statement 'impaccable timing your majesty' as scar quickly drops him. it is a cartoon movie with title LION KING, i know must of us have watched that cartoon presentation like me. That cartoon is one i will call an addict for me, always watching it.
With this am just saying to you that before the end of the year, God will not be late in coming to meet you and drop those handful of blessings which he has preserved for you since the beginning of the year. He will not be late in coming to your rescue.

Thanks again for been by me on this Blog since last year. Thanks for reading and do visit again!!!

Happy New Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Understanding the Possibilities of Working with your sub-conscious mind

Hy Alphasoars, I hope you guys enjoyed the previous posts on our Checkpoint sections. More two posts are coming up on that section soonest. Today i will be talking about something else but significant in our everyday pursuit as we soar high.
Have you wondered why two are always better than one? Have taken a careful look at the importance of working with your inner man? We always want to have success in our everyday lives as we soar high but most of the times we neglect the second person that resides in us. The second person am talking about is the sub-concious mind. The place where all the thoughts that make up the man are processed. As you seek to attain greater heights in life there is need to work in partnership with the sub-concious mind. We must let him understand what and where we are going to. How do you do that?

Monday 1 December 2014

Alphasoars Checkpoint: Be Smart! Don't Start!!!

How Smart are you when you tackle some issues. You feel like ‘men, am a genius’. Then sit back and let’s discuss on what makes you smarter, a more ‘guru like’ if you standout. It’s all about drugs. Most young people these days are prone to taking or experimenting with drugs. And many reasons are been seen as catalysts for these involvements. 
Google Image
Depression. You see, there are lots of reasons out there but I see this as the most prominent and pronounced reason for experimenting of drugs by young minds. 

There are certain levels of depression that are acceptable to the young people but when it gets to long term depression which may arise due to certain issues such as, one being confused on certain issues, some one on a cross roads and stretching out hands longing for help and the help is not reachable or many an individual who has been jilted by someone dear, say close friends, associates or lover. When this happens, the overboard lyrics that quickly registers as that of depression that does not have a coordinated tone is ‘look for a stimulant’, ‘take some beer to get high’, ‘no reason to struggle’, ‘it will make you feel better’.